I hate being pushed around or told what to do. There have been so many behind the scenes that have ostracized my behavior, whether it was meant for good or was experienced in the not so pleasant lane. And I know I’m a classic, type A purebred ADD nutcase. The word extreme to me is like oatmeal, it’s something I feast on daily. And I have no excuse or need no filibuster to excuse my erratic behavior, it’s just how I roll.

Those extremists that are ravaging our world here in 2K16, and I mean those who are willfully killing and slaughtering the innocent, have no validation for such bizarre over-the-top manifestations. Yet I’m not pleading with those, I’m only dealing with you, who are the crazies, the wackos, those who go the farthest for the least, the ones who have no clue why they do what they do, they just do it. We all need some boundaries, some borders, and some restrictions. And I’m sorry that might hinder you or stop you in your tracks when I use the term “boundaries borders and restrictions,” yet don’t look at those as obstacles, see them as launching pads.

And let’s remember: to protect those who are around us, those, who are friends, our neighbors, and the areas odd ones out. Because caution, lends to being protective, of all that which comes our way.