SucksRadio: :The Trump Meister, Really?|Can we really know who is the Greatest?
This is my spoof take on what’s gonna on in the weird world we coexist in.
Donald Trump, V 1.3, Mr. D, Ryan Gate, DWTS, North Korea, India, Colin K, Kieth Olbermann
This is my spoof take on what’s gonna on in the weird world we coexist in.
Donald Trump, V 1.3, Mr. D, Ryan Gate, DWTS, North Korea, India, Colin K, Kieth Olbermann
The show is full of motivational tools to come back from adversity.
Steve Jobs, Apple, iPhone, iPad, iPod
Mr D explains why lying and sleeping around leads to choking big time, not only on the course but in a marriage!
Tiger Woods, golf
This session is about wisdom from Oprah, the Walmart Sweat Shop and Trivecta Time.
Oprah, Walmart, Weird, The Mark Dawson Band, V 1.3
Acting Smart is found in humility, respect, admiration, giving and listening to those around us.
Keywords: Jeopardy, Alex Trekek, Warren Buffet
Mr. Ds take on how to alter your drive in life without being held hostage to some extreme groups manifesto.
Keywords: Passionate, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Walmart