That’s a question that only the skeptics may dabble with. We all need that rope a dope to hang ourselves out to dry, and there’s nothing wrong with someone flying headfirst into some rock formation because they think they’re ‘Birdman’. It’s funny how we are the instant critics to someone who is living in an extreme X games lifestyle, while we bunker down in some cushy monster over-sized bean bag, draped in mink, while we VIPE our way into obscurity. I don’t find it idolatry to desire to be greater than or to go farther. There’s something innate or inherent in all those ‘over the toppers’ who crave for only gusto with no reward. And I still can’t get that image of Mr. Branson ballooning to who knows where?
Perceptive, as it relates to how far we should go, is all about what lies ahead of us and doing the math with the total:
By opening up our eyes.
By paying more attention.
By developing and trusting our intuition.
By shutting out distractions.
By recognizing that just because someone else hasn’t perceived something, doesn’t mean what we perceive is not true!
Michael Phelps
“Far is never far enough.”(Mr.D)