Don’t dis Mother T

Don’t dis Mother T

As you well know by now, I’m not an avid fan of “hero worship” even though I’ve been known to mingle with those who are successful. Yet, sometimes I’ve allowed myself to rub elbows or shoulders with those who tend to taint my life. And after the test results, I find I’m sick and almost unresponsive.

Yes, people are the greatest examples our life has to offer, whether it’s mimicking Christ, Gandhi, or the Pope. We all pick and choose who we want to be like. Hopefully we see our parents, or our teachers, or those mentors who have invested as candidates who we would like exemplify.

Almost no one can really comprehend the impact of what Mother Teresa’s involvement in India and the surrounding areas did to those souls. She changed the landscape through her actions, she reinvigorated those who were completely stalemated, she fed those who were hungry, she gave to those who were poor. And that list of things she performed seems almost endless, if you’re to compare your life with hers, and I would recommend that in a New York minute!

You will know them by their Lexus

You will know them by their Lexus

This world is all about the have’s and the have-nots. There are those who have made oodles of money dripping from their big fat eardrums and all at the expense of us common, ordinary types. Oh yes, they have pilfered and sucked us dry as a bone of our very lifeblood, like some old oil derrick.

The title of this chapter, represents just that, it’s those people who have something tangible yet have zero character. They lack in the areas where you wish they thrived. It’s not uncommon for families throughout the USA to hide out in their big castles, and never make a red carpet appearance to the rest of us ordinary humanoids.

It’s all about living a moderate existence. So if you’re wanting longevity of life think in small doses and not some cataclysmic over the top extravaganza, then buy a Prius. Moderation is all about living within your means. Moderation is also found in our speech, and our abilities to empathize, and even in our distribution of our stuff to those who need. No piece of cheap plastic is ever worth the elimination of people’s obvious needs.

Universal Contrast

Universal Contrast

It’s not easy being yourself. It’s not easy being me. Life is a huge mumbo-jumbo pool of whatever’s. I can’t to this day still understand why some things happen the way they do, or why some people get what they don’t deserve, or even those who hit the big lotto payday.

This forth chapter from When it Sucks it Blows, is all about uniqueness. Oh yes, we are definitely not the same, I can assure you of that. With our retina, fingerprints and are isolated brain waves, we are our own person. Some have been designed to be mechanics, others are dentists, and myself, I labor at greeting my local inmates at Walmart. We all got a job to do, and we all need to do what we’ve been called to do, whatever that may be.

When I mention the term unique, I’m implying that there is a difference between you and the rest of the world. That we are all specifically designed with an “individual code” that is not transferable, or the same as anyone else’s. Our DNA is different and that’s a promise! The term contrast we understand, it’s the universe we dwell in that we show our limitations. There is no way we will ever comprehend the total, especially struggling to just make our bed.

A warning of caution to the zealots

A warning of caution to the zealots

I hate being pushed around or told what to do. There have been so many behind the scenes that have ostracized my behavior, whether it was meant for good or was experienced in the not so pleasant lane. And I know I’m a classic, type A purebred ADD nutcase. The word extreme to me is like oatmeal, it’s something I feast on daily. And I have no excuse or need no filibuster to excuse my erratic behavior, it’s just how I roll.

Those extremists that are ravaging our world here in 2K16, and I mean those who are willfully killing and slaughtering the innocent, have no validation for such bizarre over-the-top manifestations. Yet I’m not pleading with those, I’m only dealing with you, who are the crazies, the wackos, those who go the farthest for the least, the ones who have no clue why they do what they do, they just do it. We all need some boundaries, some borders, and some restrictions. And I’m sorry that might hinder you or stop you in your tracks when I use the term “boundaries borders and restrictions,” yet don’t look at those as obstacles, see them as launching pads.

And let’s remember: to protect those who are around us, those, who are friends, our neighbors, and the areas odd ones out. Because caution, lends to being protective, of all that which comes our way.

How’s the wind down there

How’s the wind down there

Wind is always a driving force, whether it’s our vocal hot air machine or the Santa Ana’s. So many of us have disclaimers that stack high like some Sam’s Club inventory racks. We can’t get away of justifying or excusing our piss poor behavior or the lack thereof. We run, this way or that way, and we act like clowns and expect carte blanche in return. No matter what this world sets at our feet, we always need to be observant about what’s going on around us, don’t ya think?

And it’s not the right time to be a narcissistic pig nor is it the most appropriate moment to hang out in some abandoned Nike missile silo, like myself, and think that you’re seeing truth through your clouded, distorted, mental setbacks. Some of us need to be set back or held in check from the public forum, since we cause so much anguish to all those innocent bystanders. So in this second chapter, I’m asking you to look around, take inventory, shore up with needs to be fixed, stop running and start looking, buster!