I don’t know about you, but my past is the greatest instructor of all time. The trail behind my eons of years on this big red or blue planet is staggering to say the least. And in all those minutes I’ve made tragic choices that ended up in more than tragic results. I am the end result of poor strategies. There’s no one to blame but myself. Bring out the chopping block and remove the ugly mass above my shoulders.

And the funny thing is I constantly exist in the rear. The time back then seems to be more enjoyable than the present which ultimately affects my future. And why is that? What makes the great times 20 years ago so invigorating, so enlightening, or so juicy? It’s easy as I’m speaking now to sense I’ll never ever do most of what I’ve done, so why do I keep looking back. There’s a story in the Bible where God tells someone to not look back when they leave Sodom and Gomorrah. Well as this unfolds, that individual can’t control herself and casually looks over her shoulder and is turned to salt not sea salt. And if there’s a lesson learned from a story that seems somewhat unbelievable, it’s that it’s better to do what you can in the now and not attempt to coexist in both then and now.

I know that seems easy for me to state the obvious, and it’s also easy because I’m the author of this horrible autobiography if you will but that’s the very nature of what looking or living in the past will do to most.
In the future I will list some bullet points, or give you some a through Z reasons why you should not yet at this time I’m only referring to just don’t go backwards.