If we could deduce our entire life into a numerical formula that would equal success then it’s found in three numbers, and they are one, six and then eight. In the book, when it sucks it blows, I talk about the various parts of Time management, using your watch, understanding how to waste your hours and feel good about yourself. There are things in life you can’t dismiss and one of them is the amount of time that is given to every human being on this planet. Some have hours, some have days, or some get centuries. This part of the equation doesn’t make sense and is completely removed from our ability to comprehend. And make sure there are no hard feelings or despondent mood swings because you are completely unable to ascertain the contents of why.

I mentioned money, knowledge and time as the three components that could lend to success in whatever endeavor you attempt. And I’m not referring to bungee jumping, hang gliding nor Dr. assisted suicide. Of these three time is the freebie. There’s no charge and it’s absolutely part of the bundle that’s given to all us wannabes. Most lack money and the greatest percentage completely avoid the pursuance of knowledge. So that means time is our only friend. And most of us probably only have one friend spelled TI ME.

So what you gonna do with all of those minutes or even seconds or how about hours? The time of dillydallying our way up the ladder is over. We have to stop the kitties parade that gets us nowhere. Enough of the flailing of arms and the body waiting language that says I’m not doing it this time or ever. Take what you got and see what you can do and if you fail one time or you fail 1000 times come on get back up and try it one more time for the Gipper.