I’m not sure if it’s tragic when things happen around us that we have zero control over. They happen and will happen despite our objection or even our acceptance. Fate is something that just takes place despite government approval. Whether random or systematically, things just happen in our life we can’t avoid.

And in that world we exist in are we allowed to dream despite the objections from those opposing our position? We’ve heard of the phrase to hands in the pudding or not enough pots to pee in.

The fantasy world is one we choose while the fate is the contrast. A willful choice is something we live and die for. Yes in that dream state we create, we believe, we exist, we are exhilarated. So to dream is a choice but to exist in a meager state is fate. Remember, fate just happens it’s like eminent domain while that fantasy that looms loud in our mind is where we want to be or go or do.

So are we allowed?

Can we just choose our destiny?

Or can we destroy a our destiny?

Fantasy in a fate world is being able to live in a democracy or shall I say theocracy. There has to be someone above us or around us that rules our world.